Design hacks for concealing your flat-screen TV

Integrating a flat-screen TV seamlessly into your living space can be a challenge. Here's how to tackle the dilemma of making your TV blend in with its surroundings while enhancing the overall ambiance of your room.

The Common Dilemma

The living room is so often centered around the television, but should feel welcoming and comfortable for both entertainment and socialising.

The presence of a dominating TV can overshadow the room and disrupt the seating arrangement, making it less conducive to relaxed conversations or unwinding without watching TV.

The Solution

Addressing these concerns involves careful planning and thoughtful design choices, based on how you want to use the room.

Choose a layout that reflects the primary function of the room. While accommodating TV viewing is essential, consider arrangements that facilitate easy conversation and social interaction. Placing a couch opposite the TV with two occasional chairs on either side creates a dual-focus space suitable for both TV watching and socialising.

Strategically position your TV to ensure optimal viewing without compromising the comfort of your seating area. Depending on the frequency of TV usage, find a balance that allows for easy viewing while maintaining a harmonious room layout.

Counteract the visual weight of your TV by incorporating artwork or furniture elements that provide visual balance. For wall-mounted TVs, consider surrounding them with artwork or placing a substantial piece of furniture beneath it to help reduce the dominance of the TV in the room.

The stark contrast between your TV and the wall is always going to emphasise the TV – but can be avoided by considering colour choices and finishes that camoflage the TV by reducing the contrast. For example, you might like to experiment with a colored feature walls or textured wallpapers to soften the visual impact of the TV.

With thoughtful planning and creative space design and decorating decisions, you can transform your living space into a stylish and inviting environment where your flat-screen TV seamlessly integrates into the overall decor. Experiment with different layouts, colors, and accessories to strike the perfect balance between entertainment and relaxation in your home.


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