5 Strategies for a Feel-Good Space

There's something so special about the feeling of returning home after a long day, or time away, but not all homes provide this sense of comfort and joy.

Regardless of your budget, or where you live, your home has the potential be a sanctuary, a place where you feel content, relaxed, and utterly at ease.

Taking some time to consider changes you could make to your space – even minor ones – can help you create a space that makes you feel happier and more content.

Let's explore five less well-known strategies to help infuse your home with the feel-good factor!

1 Soften your space by Embracing Curves

Research indicates that our environment profoundly impacts our emotions. When surrounded by angular objects, our primal fear of sharpness may be triggered. Picture navigating a dark cave lined with jagged rocks – not exactly inviting, right? Consequently, spaces dominated by straight lines can feel cold and uninviting.

You can counterbalance this rigidity by incorporating curves into your decor. Whether it's through round pots, gently curved candles, or mirrors with soft edges, adding circular elements can significantly soften the atmosphere. Consider introducing items like a round pouf or cushions adorned with curved patterns to create a more welcoming space.

2 Infuse Warmth Into Your Walls

The colours of your walls have a significant influence on your mood. While the trend of all-white interiors persists, there's a noticeable shift towards incorporating deeper tones and vibrant hues. However, selecting colours that harmonise your spaces and give you positive vibes can be challenging.

One way to help narrow down your colour choices is to opt for a palette of three or four colours that complement your cherished belongings. Choose a neutral base and one or two feature colours that resonate with you on a personal level, and are repeated in some of your existing belongings. Is there a colour you adore? Perhaps a soothing blue or a warm terracotta – that could transform even the smallest of spaces, such as a hallway or home office. Pops of colours you love will really help elevate your mood and make your home feel much more personal inspiring.

3 Personalise Your Space

Surrounding yourself with cherished memories fosters a deep sense of belonging. A home devoid of personal mementos can feel sterile and lacking soul.

Consider creating designated spaces to showcase these treasures, ensuring they take pride of place in your home.

By infusing your living space with personal touches, whether it's displaying family photos, showcasing meaningful artwork, or curating a collection of beloved books – you'll create an environment that not only reflects your unique personality but also evokes a deep sense of comfort and nostalgia.

4 Bring the Outdoors Indoors

Introducing elements of nature into your home can breathe new life into your surroundings. Beyond enhancing visual appeal, plants and greenery contribute to a sense of vitality and well-being. From oxygenating the air to reducing airborne pollutants, the benefits of indoor greenery are huge.

While not everyone is a green thumb, there are numerous low-maintenance houseplants that thrive indoors. Consider incorporating resilient varieties like snake plants or pothos into your decor. Additionally, fresh flowers feel so uplifting, and infuse spaces with natural beauty and fragrance.

There are two schools of thought when it comes to using faux plants. Personally, I think they definitely have a place in our interiors – when used in places that are lacking natural light or hard to access, but always combine them with several living varieties to give your space much needed lift from incorporating these natural elements.

5 Transform Your Perception

The way we perceive our homes dictates our experience within them. If you view your home as a “shelter” where you exist rather than live a happy life, then it will always fail to deliver its true potential to be a sanctuary for refuge, rest, rejuvenation and connection. Could you challenge yourself to redefine your relationship with your home?

By adopting a more positive mindset towards your home, you'll cultivate a deeper appreciation for its unique charms and quirks. Embrace the notion that it's not just a residence but a canvas for self-expression and personal growth. As you embark on this journey towards greater contentment, you'll find that as your home undergoes a beautiful transformation, so too will your outlook on life.

Which of these strategies could you adopt to make some simple yet effective changes at your place?

Remember, even minor and affordable changes can help infuse your home with a sense of warmth, comfort, and joy - testament to the transformative power of our homes on how we experience life.

Cool huh!


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